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Шоссейные туфли BONT Vaypor+Kangaroo
  • Шоссейные туфли BONT Vaypor+Kangaroo

    Шоссейные туфли BONT Vaypor+Kangaroo



    Роскошное сочетание натуральных материалов и современных технологий.

    • Верх из кожи кенгуру, который позволяет добиться потрясающей износостойкости.
    • Мягкий вкладыш из телячьей кожи.
    • Передовые наработки компании Bont гарантируют непревзойденное соотношение прочности и веса, а также минимальную толщину подошвы.
    • Очень удобная, анатомически совершенная колодка Bont.
    • Инновации Bont в технической части для улучшения эффективности.
    • Роторные застёжки BOA IP1 с возможностями двунаправленного вращения и быстрого ослабления затяжки.
    • Доступны как традиционные, так и очень смелые цветовые варианты.


    Фотографии имеют ознакомительный характер. Наличие и точную спецификацию уточняйте у наших менеджеров по телефону. Цены могут изменяться без предварительного уведомления.
    Тексты и фотографии сайта защищены авторским правом, использование статей может быть осуществлено только с согласия автора. © 2020 Leo City Bikes



      Модель Vaypor+
      Основа конструкции Карбон с однонаправленным плетением
      База Термореактивная эпоксидная смола
      Материал внешней отделки Кожа кенгуру
      Материал внутренней отделки Телячья кожа
      Толщина подошвы 3.6 мм
      Вентиляция Круглые отверстия в передней части и перфорированный язык
      Стелька Термоформуемая
      Защитные накладки подошвы Сменные
      Зоны Формования Весь ботинок
      Крепление шипов Площадка с фрикционным покрытием и разметкой под три винта
      Система затяжки Замки BOA IP1 с двунаправленным вращением и кевларовая нить
      Вес 230 грамм
      Варианты исполнения колодок Стандартная, узкая, широкая, азиатская, кастомная
      Цвет Белый, черный, синий, зеленый, коричневый, оранжевый

      Cleat Micro Grid

      The cleat micro grid has been included to provide riders with the ability to fine tune their cleat placement.


      Low profile, micro adjustable buckles have been fitted. Buckles and ladders are fully replaceable, with 3 lengths of ladders available to ensure proper fit.

      Replaceable Sole Guards & Buckles

      Replaceable sole guards & buckles have been designed for maximum grip and are replaceable.

      Anti Stretch

      Between the outer skin and the liner we add a material that is proprietary to Bont to stop the cycling shoe from stretching over time. This material has similar strength characteristics to Kevlar. The material is stitched to the outer skin and bonded to the liner so it can never move or be removed, it becomes part of the cycling shoes structure. This layer assits in pedalling efficiency by maintaining a supportive structure over the top of the foot in the upward part of the pedal stroke.

      Last Design

      A last is a replica of a foot that the cycling shoe is built around. Last makers do not make cycling shoe lasts, they only make shoe lasts so perfecting a cycling shoe last requires a great deal of expertise in functional biomechanics and ongoing research. At Bont, we have been perfecting our performance footwear lasts since 1975 and the process is ongoing. We believe we place more importance and thus place more effort into our last than any other cycling shoe brand and it is the reason that Bont cycling shoes continue to be a leader in providing the most functional and correct anatomical support to cyclists than any other brand on the market. Our motto in terms of cycling shoe fit is simple, "We make shoes for cycling, not walking.


      The Vaypor utilises closed cell memory foam that will not retain water assisting in maintaining a lighter shoe during wet conditions as well as ensuring sweat which can begin to break down the durability of the shoe is not absorbed.

      TPU Toe Protector

      The toe protector not only protects the front area of the shoe from wheel rub and impact, but also houses ventilation holes for improving airflow through the shoe.

      Heat Moulding

      Bont cycling shoe is the most heat moldable shoes available. Bont's proprietary resin has been developed and perfected over 36 years to be an extremely stiff resin that becomes pliable at relatively low temperatures. Unlike other shoes which are moldable only in select locations, all Bont cycling shoes are able to be molded over the entire chasis providing cyclist not only with the most anatomically designed cycling shoe on the market today, but also with the ability to fine tune the fit of the entire shoe to give a customised fit.

      Independent Review

      Bike Radar gave the Bont vaypor 5/5 stars. "stiff and light with heat moldable custom fit"

      Read full review.

      Medial Longitudinal Arch Support

      Structural medial longitudinal arch support is provided in all models to stop over pronation of feet.

      Over pronation is one of the main contributors to incorrect tracking of knees during a cyclists pedaling phase due to internal rotation of tibia and femur. This can result in knee injuries.

      In addition, the rotation of tibia/femur can cause the pelvis to tilt resulting in lower back strain.

      Anatomical Forefoot Shape

      Conventional cycling shoes offer a “dress shoe” type shaping. Although highly aesthetic this will cause the toes along with the metatarsals to be overly constricted, compressing the nerves between the metatarsals which often results in the common "hot foot" sensation.

      Bont cycling shoes anatomical shaping allows the foot to function in its most efficient and anatomically correct position. The foot is supported in its endeavour to relax through the metatarsal joints allowing the pedalling force to be spread across the greatest possible surface area.

      Anatomical Heel Cup

      The anatomical heel cup shaping of Bont cycling shoes provides increased stability during the pull through stage of pedaling stroke and up stroke. This stabilization is achieved without any mechanical operation or over tightening of straps/laces allowing for increased comfort and blood circulation.

      Lateral Forefoot Support

      Bont’s lateral forefoot support ensures neutral positioning of the forefoot and alleviates common issues associated with over pronation and supination. These issues often result in incorrect tracking of knees causing injuries along with hip and lower back pain.

    55 000,00 ₽Цена
    Цвет: Оранжевый/Синий
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